I know that its been long since we last saw each other and talked,
Honestly speaking its been long since i have felt so shy before someone that I have known my entire life,
But I'm just glad to be here experience this with you,
Because when I'm with you i feel as though my soul has been set free,
And i don't have to be pretend to be someone else that's not me,
And even though we have a lot of bad history,
I know that we can solve this mystery,
I can honestly tell you that things are about to get tough,
Because clouds surround us and storms are due,
But I don't care because I have you,
And no matter what may come,
Come rain or thunder,
Come triumph or blunder,
I have your back,
And will always be there to provide anything that you lack,
So as long as you hold onto me,
I will hold onto you,
And if you ever feel low I will be there to give you a kiss,
Even if we stand at the precipice of the abyss,
We will get through this together,
Because this here to shall come to pass,
And I want you to remember that there is beauty in the world,
Because there is you,
Even with all your faults,
So cheer up and know that someone out there still loves you,
And if you ever feel lonely you can always come back to this letter,
It will definitely make you feel a little bit better,
But before I go I just want you to know,
We can only love when we learn to love ourselves.
Talk to you soon Kundai.
Love Kundai
Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash