We are the twins of old,
the dynamic duo that brings bitterness and cold,
The ones bred specifically for excess,
The ones that need no break or recess.
I am greed,
I am the monster that once freed,
I will not stop until I have everything including the last seed.
I have all that I want,
But I also want what others have,
I want all that was ,that is and that will be,
I want to have everything further than my eyes can see,
I see no point to having friends or family,
they exist to take what’s mine,
I will not share with them with even a rotten lime.
I am envy,
The one that sows seeds of jealousy,
The one that builds resentment just for my entertainment,
I am the one that makes you covert what you neighbours has,
His money, his car and his delectable wife,
I am the one that whispers words of murder and encourage you to pick up the knife,
For why does he have all that you want and you have what you have.
Sure, you might have a lot but that’s why I have my twin,
Greed, my sister in sin,
She will make you want more and more,
Until we make you rotten to your core,
Until you have caused some pain and left some gore,
but still unsatiated, still wanting more.
We want money,
We want women,
Hell, we want men as well,
For we could care less about respect,
We will make you thieves, murders or vagabonds,
Hold you in chains and bonds.
But it won’t really matter,
by the time that you realise we will have everything and you will have nothing,
Maybe except for some regrets.
We are greed and envy,
The bringers of killing frenzies,
and destruction tendencies,
The bringers of desire,
the birth parents of almost every liar,
The devils that will lead you to be roasted in the fire.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash